Rabbi Lynnda Targan

Rabbi. Author. Teacher. Women’s Midrash Co-Founder. Activist.
Mussar Facilitator. Life Cycle Officiant.
Wife. Mother. Grandmother.

Meet Rabbi Targan

Learn about Rabbi Targan’s new bookFunny, You Don’t Look Like a Rabbi, A Memoir of Unorthodox Transformation.

Explore options for the Women’s Midrash Institute.

Hear Rabbi Targan in the Courage to be Curious Podcast (or listen in the player below)

Rabbi Targan Appears on “Your Best Life” with Lisa Bien, Temple University TV, 9/21/2021


Rabbi Targan appeared on the Temple University TV show, Your Best Life with Lisa Bien. You can watch the video here.



National Council of Jewish Women Zoom Workshop, 3/16/2021


Rabbi Targan recently offered a Zoom workshop to the National Council of Jewish Women. You can watch the video here.



Rabbi Targan interviewed on JewishSacredAging.com’s 
“Seekers of Meaning” TV Show and Podcast


Rabbi Targan was a guest on the Seekers of Meaning Podcast, the podcast of JewishSacredAging.com 

Rabbi Targan chats with Jewish Sacred Aging founder Rabbi Richard Address. You can watch the video here.